About Us


At Premium Vintages we strive to give you only the highest quality grape juices and concentrates, thus ensuring that our wines not only compete with commercial wines, but soon become your first choice!
Wine glass close-up
Years Experience
Wines Batches
Happy Customers


Your first step is to come visit us at our shop located at 102 McEwen Avenue Unit C. Once you step foot into the winery you will be delighted at the wonderful scent of wine lingering throughout the store. If you have a favourite wine, chances are we have it. If you are unsure of what exactly you want, our experts will help you select your ideal wine. Then all that’s left to do is set up a bottling appointment 5- 8 weeks from that day and mix a few ingredients into your batch. This entire process takes about 5 – 10 minutes once you have selected the type of wine you would like to get.

Premium Vintages is equipped with the latest bottling and corking equipment to make the entire bottling process painless and enjoyable. The friendly Premium Vintages staff will set you up at your own personal bottling station and show you how easy the equipment is to operate. Once started you are only 30 minutes away from having your own personal vintage.The Premium Vintages staff will be available at all times and they will be more than happy to help with any questions you may have. So why wait? Get started making you own wine today!

That’s all there is to it!